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Exhibition Subsidies
Introduction to the Background of SubsidiesIn the context of China's real economy oriented by foreign trade, the majority of domestic foreign trade enterprises and factories are more actively involved in foreign market promotion activities. With the further confirmation of the "the Belt and Road" market strategy, government departments at all levels have also further increased subsidies for overseas exhibitions, market surveys and other expansion and overseas investment projects on the basis of the original financial support for overseas market expansion activities. twenty-five thousand four hundred and fifty-two
Pain Points and Issues for Enterprises Applying for Subsidies

Due to the long time span of the project and the cumbersome process from qualification preparation to application and approval.At present, many enterprises encounter various problems in the subsidy application process. According to data analysis, the current subsidy situation of participating enterprises is as follows:

  • 01Non subsidy qualificationNo import and export rights, no import and export business conducted.
  • 02Subsidy declaration NGPolicy changes/unfamiliarity, substandard data, personnel changes.
  • 03Undeclared subsidiesHuman resources, lack of time, lack of knowledge/understanding of policies, missing subsidy time.
  • 04Subsidy declaration OKSubsidy company agency, self declaration.
Advantages of Liusheng Subsidy Agency Services

We provide professional and full process exhibition subsidy consulting and agency services for enterprises, covering all aspects of import and export rights agency, subsidy qualification recognition, online registration consultation, online application assistance, data review and submission, as well as handling abnormal situations.

  • Policy familiarityFamiliar with government policies and government unit procedures.
  • Government Public RelationsGood government public relations, closely related to the undertaking unit.
  • Customer protection systemRegardless of the reason for not receiving exhibition funding subsidies, refunds are unconditional.
  • Professional consulting agencyA professional team that adheres to the principles of "professionalism, focus, and concentration" to provide high-quality services to enterprises.
  • Full one-stop serviceDedicated personnel coordinate to provide enterprises with a "worry free, reassuring, and comfortable" one-stop service throughout the process.
Product Description of Liusheng Subsidy Agency Service
Exhibition subsidies (qualifications: 1. The company has independent legal personality; 2. The company has import and export rights; 3. Customs data is less than 65 million US dollars; 4. Legal operation without financial arrears)
Subsidy agency projects Subsidy content Subsidy ratio Maximum subsidy amount Unit
Certification of high-tech enterprises Certification rewards 100%~400% RMB200000 Per company
Overseas exhibitions (booth subsidies) Booth fee 50%~70% RMB60000 Per booth
Subsidy qualification agency Import and export rights and subsidy qualifications Per company
Annual exhibition subsidy agency service (Including all booth subsidy projects for enterprises in 2017, up to 10)
Per year